A smiling face denotes that the word is a colloquialism.
2 | tata | order, arrangement, system. ~ krama etiquette |
sopan | polite. ~ santun good manners | |
dawar | Javanese: to eat | |
ribut | make loud noise | |
teriak | shout, –2shout several times | |
3 | nah 🙂 | a particle implying acceptance of one’s advice or opinion |
gitu 🙂 | = begitu | |
ikut | join | |
4 | habis | 🙂 after |
5 | jelas | clear. yang jelas clearly |
begini | like this | |
6 | tadi | just now, before this, a short while ago |
ajak | to invite s.o. to do s.t together | |
jajan | eat out | |
soto | a kind of Indonesian beef or chicken soup | |
warung | small shop, ~ makan small restaurant | |
suruh, meny- | to ask s.o. to do s.t. | |
cepat-cepat | quickly | |
dulu | first | |
dompet | purse, wallet | |
tinggal, ke-an | accidentally left behind. = tertinggal |
Translate this Pak Bei episode and then check the correctness of your translation.
Nanang: Pak…, Bapaak…
Pak Bei: [berhenti makan]
Pak Bei: Kau harus mulai belajar tata krama dan sopan santun, Nang! Kalau Bapak lagi dawar (makan), jangan ribut, jangan teriak-teriak.
Nanang: Ya, Pak…
Pak Bei: Nah, gitu! Ambil piring, ikut makan, itu lebih baik.
Nanang: Ya, Pak…
Pak Bei: Habis makan, cuci piring!
Nanang: Ya, Pak…
Pak Bei: Selesai? Nah, sekarang bicaralah yang jelas dan sopan!
Nanang: Begini, Pak… Tadi Nanang diajak ibu jajan soto di warung. Kemudian Nanang disuruh cepat-capat pulang dulu… Karena dompet ibu ketinggalan di rumah!
Pak Bei: !
[a]polite; good manners
[a]make loud noise
[a]to shout
[q]nah 🙂
[a]a particle implying acceptance of one’s advice or opinion
[q]habis 🙂
[q] [a]clear
[q]yang jelas
[a]like this
[a]just now, before this, a short while ago
[q] [a]to invite s.o. to do s.t together
[a]eat out; to snack
[a]a kind of Indonesian beef or chicken soup
[a]small shop or restaurant
[q] [a]to ask s.o. to do s.t.
[a]purse, wallet
[q] [a]accidentally left behind
[/qdeck]Equatives, Comparatives and Superlatives are special forms of adjectives. They are used to compare two or more things. Generally, equatives are formed (in English) by using as + adjective + as, comparatives are formed by using -er and superlatives are formed by using -est.
In Indonesian equatives are formed by using se-, comparatives are formed by using lebih + adjective and superlatives are formed by using ter- or paling + adjective.
The ter- forms are more formal, but tend to be restricted to short adjectives. So for sederhana (simple) the form tersederhana is not very common.
“As” in the comparative is expressed by daripada, colloquially also dari.
Translate the following sentences. If it is a question, answer it.
Here are some facts. Make comparative statements (e.g. as old as, not as old as, older than, the oldest)
Turn to a classmate and ask her 5 questions, then take turns. In answering you should alternate between Saya kira…, Menurut saya…, and Menurut pendapat saya… You may also consider Kalau tidak salah… If you learn by yourself, you can also record your answer.
Jawablah pertanyaan berikut.
Kosa Kata: menata:arrange; perlengkapan:equipment; panci:cooking pot; sumpit:chopstick; diucapkan:be uttered; bunyi:sound; sopan:polite; seusai:after; ditaruh:be put; dihabiskan:be finished; sisa:rest, remainder
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