Teka Teki Silang (TTS) - Crossword
Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
Mendatar: |
2. | source (a-10) | 5. | flood (a-10) | 6. | waste (a-7) | 7. | to guess, predict (a-2) | 10. | to process (a-9) | 12. | environment (a-4) | 13. | tp plummet, descend rapidly (a-3) | 14. | effort (a-4) | 15. | provide sustenance for, take care of, support (a-4) |
Menurun: |
1. | interval, in between (a-4) | 3. | give up, surrender (a-4) | 4. | to preserve (a-4) | 8. | study, research (a-4) | 9. | behaviour (a-2) | 11. | domestic animal (a-5) |