Taman Pantai Berkas Ramai Pengunjung

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Judul Taman Pantai Berkas Ramai Pengunjung
Disadur dari Bengkulu Raya, 17 Januari 2018
Jumlah Kata 171
Tingkat Kesulitan B1unduh pdf

Nonton Yuk!

Watch the video and answer the following questions (delman=horse cart):

  1. Berapa panjangnya Pantai Panjang 0:12
  2. Berapa jauh jarak ke kota Bengkulu? 0:30
  3. Berapa ongkos naik delman? 1:21
  4. Berapa lama sekali naik delman? 1:25
  1. Panjangnya 7 kilometer
  2. Jaraknya satu koma lima (1,5) kilometer
  3. Ongkosnya sepuluh ribu Ripiah.
  4. Lima belas menit.


Taman Pantai Berkas Ramai Pengunjung

  1. Taman Pantai Berkas di Kota Bengkulu semakin ramai dikunjungi warga yang ingin menikmati keindahan panorama pantai, sambil duduk-duduk menikmati beragam aneka makanan dan minuman yang ditawarkan pedagang di kawasan tersebut.
  2. Selain keindahan panorama pantai, objek wisata itu juga menyediakan berbagai mainan anak-anak seperti ayunan, perosotan, jembatan, tali-tali dan masih banyak lagi. Menurut salah seorang tukang parkir di kawasan itu, Megi, sejak adanya Taman Pantai Berkas, pendapatan mereka naik sehingga dapat menutupi kebutuhan sehari-hari.
  3. “Dengan adanya taman tersebut pendapatan kami bertambah dan itu cukup untuk kami,” ujarnya kepada Bengkulu Raya, Rabu 17 Januari 2018.
  4. Sementara salah seorang penjual minuman, Sukma, senang dengan banyaknya pengunjung karena penjualannya meningkat.
  5. “Saya senang dengan ramainya para pengunjung yang datang dan membeli makanan yang kami jual,” ujarnya sambil tersenyum.
  6. Pada kesempatan yang sama, seorang pengunjung, Lusti Aprianti, mengaku betah berlama-lama di Taman Pantai Berkas.
  7. “Kami betah duduk-duduk di sini (Taman Pantai Berkas) sambil ngobrol dengan teman-teman,” katanya.
  8. Namun Lusti juga berharap pemerintah menyediakan layanan internet atau wifi di kawasan tersebut.

Latihan Pemahaman

Latihan Kosa Kata 1

Latihan Mendengarkan 1

Latihan Mendengarkan 2

Latihan Mendengarkan 3

Latihan Mendengarkan 4


Words formed from the root word dapat are unpredictable in their meaning. Dapat itself is also a difficult word that can mean ‘can, be able, may, get, obtain, be obtained’ and ‘be found’. Mendapat is ‘to get, receive, find, come across’, mendapatkan is ‘to procur, get, obtain’.

Almost completely unpredictable are the meanings of pendapat ‘opinion’, and pendapatan ‘income, earnings’!


Reduplication of verbs

With some verbs, reduplication conveys a sense of action performed in a casual or leisurely manner:

duduk sit    duduk-duduk sit around, relax
berjalan walk    berjalan-jalan walk around, go for a stroll, travel leisurely
melihat see    melihat-lihat browse, have a look around

For a more detailed discussion of verb reduplication, see Sneddon 1.19pp.


Selain ‘apart from; besides; in addition to’ in the main clause is often followed by juga ‘also’ in the subordinate clause:

Selain keindahan panorama pantai, objek wisata itu juga menyediakan berbagai mainan anak-anak.
Apart from the beauty of the ocean view, this tourist spot also provides various playground equipment.

The following example is taken from an article about climate change:

Selain Jakarta, tiga kota Asia Tenggara lainnya juga terancam tenggelam.
Besides Jakarta, three more Southeast Asian cities are in danger of sinking.

Indefinite Numbers

The above newspaper article contains a number of indefinite numbers. You certainly already know semua ‘all’, banyak ‘many’, and setiap ‘every’. This article introduces three more indefinite numbers: berbagai ‘various’, aneka ‘various, all sorts of’, and salah seorang ‘one of’. Apart from salah seorang, there is also salah satu ‘one of’ that is used for items and not for humans.

Nominalisation with -nya

In our text, we have three nominalisations with -nya where the adjective with attached -nya is preceded by dengan and followed by a possessive noun. Twice the nominalised adjective is adanya ‘existence, presence’, and once it is banyaknya ‘plenitude; abundance’.

Sejak adanya Taman Pantai Berkas, pendapatan mereka naik.
Since the Pantai Berkas Park was opened, their incomes have increased. (Lit. Since the existence…)

Dengan adanya taman tersebut pendapatan kami bertambah.
Due to the presence of the park, our incomes have increased.

Sukma senang dengan banyaknya pengunjung karena penjualannya meningkat.
Sukma is pleased with the large number of visitors because their sales have gone up.

Other examples of nominalised adjectives are:

Menara Eifel, tingginya 324m.
The Eiffel Tower is 324m tall. (Lit. The height of the Eiffel Tower is 324m)

Karena pintarnya, anak itu diterima di universitas terbaik.
Because of her intelligence, she was admitted to the best university.

Mereka tidak peduli dengan derasnya hujan saat itu.
They didn’t care about the heavy rain back then. (Lit. … with the heaviness of the rain.)

Dengan manisnya ia memandang wajah ibuku.
Sweetly, she looked at my mother’s face. (Lit. With sweetness…)

Sambil & Sementara

You most likely already know the coordinating conjunctions dan ‘and’, atau ‘or’, tetapi, akan tetapi, tapi ‘but’, lalu and kemudian ‘then’, and serta ‘and, as well’. Two more coordinating conjunctions appear here: sambil and sementara ‘while’. Even though they both translate as ‘while’, there is a subtle difference between the two: sambil is used when one person performs two activities at the same time, or, in other words, the two verbal clauses have the same subject, the second being obligatorily ellipted:

Warga yang ingin menikmati keindahan panorama pantai, sambil duduk-duduk menikmati beragam aneka makanan dan minuman…
The residents that want to enjoy the coastal views while relaxing and enjoying the various foods and drinks…

ujarnya sambil tersenyum…
…she said while smiling…

Kami betah duduk-duduk di sini sambil ngobrol dengan teman-teman…
We love sitting here while chatting with friends…

Sementara is used when two people perform two actions at the same time:

Ayah duduk-duduk di kebun sementara ibu memasak di dapur.
Father sits in the garden while mother cooks in the kitchen.

Sementara can also be used in the same way as sedangkan ‘while, whereas’ which tends to be more contrastive:

Sementara salah seorang penjual minuman, Sukma, senang dengan banyaknya pengunjung
Whereas one of the beverage vendors, Sukma, enjoys the many visitors…

Kosa Kata

Pekerjaan Rumah (PR)

Go to the Internet and in your favorite search engine, type “sambil site:kompas.com”. This will take you to the national newspaper Kompas. Find five sentences that contain sambil and translate them into English. Then do the same, but this time search for sedangkan.

Padan Kata

Match the words on the left with their synonyms on the right.

Isian 1

Isian 2

Kartu Bolak Balik

Review and memorise the following words.

Mencari Kata

Daftar Kata

taman park, garden
pantai coast, beach
semakin increasingly, more and more
ramai crowded, busy
warga citizen, member of a community
ingin want, wish
duduk-duduk to sit leisurely
sambil while
pedagang trader
kawasan district, region
tersebut aforementioned, said
selain besides
menyediakan (•sedia) prepare, make available, provide
berbagai various
menurut according to
salah seorang one of
tukang parkir parking attendant
sejak since
adanya presence, existence
pendapatan income, earnings
sehingga until, with the result that, so that
kebutuhan needs
bertambah increase steadily, all the more so
sementara while, whereas
salah seorang one of
pengunjung visitor
penjualan sales
meningkat (•tingkat) to rise, be promoted, to increase
ramainya bustle, tumult
para plural marker for people
ujar utter, say
tersenyum to smile
kesempatan opportunity, chance, occasion
berlama-lama to spend prolonged time
betah to endure, bear, keep up, enjoy to be at one place
ngobrol (•obrol) to chat (coll.)
cara way, method
bangsa nation
namun however, but
berharap to hope
pemerintah (•perintah) government
layanan service

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