Research has shown that both formative and summative tests can support language learning. Summative assessments, such as standardised tests or quizzes, evaluate student learning, knowledge, proficiency, or success at the conclusion of an instructional period, like a unit (lesson or module) of «The Indonesian Way».
Learners who have purchased the «TIW Teacher Book have access to forty tests. Each test consists of about 15 multiple choice, fill in the blanks, or matching questions. The tests are graded and you received the grade once you have completed the test. Every test can be taken several times. If you are not a prime member, contact us by email to tiw [at] to upgrade to prime membership.
We strongly suggest that you, as a learner of the Indonesian language, should also, at least once in a while, assess your progress by conducting self assessment. You can monitor your current level of proficiency by taking the Indonesian self-assessment test. You can also create your own Language Passport and update it every now and then. We suggest that you should complete a self assessment test after every other module of «The Indonesian Way».
Prime members of «The Indonesian Way» have access to forty quizzes. In a traditional classroom, students complete three lessons per week, and there is a standardised test or quiz (ujian, ulangan) after having completed three lessons.