The Rhenish Mission in the Batak Lands

In 2010 I published a book (in Indonesian) on the involvement of the Rhenish Missionary Society in the First Toba War (1878). The book focuses on the theological principals of the Rhenish Mission in the wider framework of imperialist and racist ideologies that developed in the second half of the 19th century and that had a profound impact on the policies of the Rhenish Mission, and on the way, these missionary policies were implemented in the mission fields in Africa and Asia.
Parts of the book can be read online at
Penelitian saya tentang peran para penginjil Jerman dari Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft (RMG), terutama Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen, dalam rangka Perang Toba Pertama (1878) dibukukan pada tahun 2010. Sebagian buku dapat dibaca di blog Utusan Damai dalam Kemelut Perang.