A. Audio & Flashcards
B. Teacher Book | Buku Panduan Guru
Bahasa IndonesiaEnglish
Di sini Anda dapat mengakses Buku Panduan Guru (dengan RPP, lembaran kerja, PowerPoint, file audio tambahan dsb.) serta Ulangan Mingguan.
Here you can access the Teacher Book (with lesson plans, student handouts, additional sound files, slide shows, and further materials) and Weekly Quizzes.
C. Quizzes | Ulangan
«The Indonesian Way» Premium Membership holders, have access to 40 tests with a total of over 400 interactive questions. The tests are spread over two pages: one for Modules 1-4 (Lessons 1-47) and the other for Modules 5-8 (Lessons 48-113)
Instead of bulk-downloading the audio files, you can also download them one-by-one.