based on the film by Rudi Soedjarwo
Lessons: 16
Hours: 50
Format: PDF, 124 pages
Author: Dr. U. Sembiring*
Year: 2009
Price: $20
«Ada Apa Dengan Cinta», developed between 2003 and 2009 under the leadership of Lita Sembiring, is aimed for speakers who already have advanced proficiency in the Indonesian language equivalent to the CEF B2+ Level. «Ada Apa Dengan Cinta» is intended for learners who already have a firm knowledge in formal standard Indonesian, and who want to develop their knowledge of Jakarta-style colloquial Indonesian.
The course consists of 16 units. The workload is consistent with a one-semester long 3 credit course at a university. You can expect to spend at least three hours per unit to complete the course. The textbook consists of 124 pages (23,000 words). The textbook is entirely written in the Indonesian language (bahasa Indonesia).