Nonton Yuk!
Tontonlah video dan jawablah pertanyaan berikut: Mesin cuci ini memiliki fitur yang khusus untuk pasaran Indonesia. Yang mana?
Cultural Note
Top loading washing machines are still fairly common in Indonesia because they are the most affordable kind of clothes washer. However, top loaders have a number of disadvantages. The twisting mechanism of agitator-style top loaders doesn’t clean as thoroughly or efficiently as the tumbling motion of front loaders. They are also rough on fabrics and consume a lot more detergents, water, and electricity. Therefore more and more Indonesian families are purchasing modern front loaders that are also much more gentle to the clothes. Furthermore, and this is important in a status-focused society such as Indonesia, front loaders are seen as more modern and more high class.
The front loader market is dominated by three East Asian, and three European brands: the Asian front-loaders are LG and Samsung (Korea), and Sharp (Japan). The three European brands are Bosch (Germany), Beko (Turkey), and Electrolux (Sweden).
Electrolux has been a player in Indonesia for a very long time and is known for its high quality, yet only moderately expensive appliances. Electrolux cleverly knows how to appeal to the Indonesian market by introducing special programs to its clothes washers to wash batik clothes and Muslim headscarves!
Teka-Teki Silang
This crossword puzzle contains mostly simple words, many of whom you should already know. Keep in mind that for me- verbs you have to use the full form with prefix. So you have to write memotong, and not potong. Forgotten? Oh no, but here is help and here too. You can also look it up in Sneddon’s grammar at 1.5 (Indonesian Reference Grammar, also available under the title Indonesian: A Comprehensive Grammar).
Dulu mencuci pakaian pekerjaan yang sangat melelahkan. Tetapi sekarang sudah menjadi sangat sederhana karena ada mesin cuci. Anda cukup menekan tombol-tombol yang ada di mesin cuci tersebut dan biarkan mesin cuci mencuci pakaian Anda.
Pisahkan pakaian putih dari pakaian berwarna. Lebih baik kedua jenis pakaian tersebut dipisah. Juga pakaian yang terbuat dari katun sebaiknya dipisah dari pakaian yang sintetis. Demikian juga dengan pakaian yang terbuat dari wol yang tidak boleh dicampur dengan pakaian yang terbuat dari bahan lain.
Masukkan pakaian yang sudah dipisahkan tersebut ke dalam mesin cuci. Perhatikan agar mesin cuci jangan diisi terlalu penuh.
Masukkan detergen ke dalam laci detergen pada mesin cuci dan jangan menuangkannya langsung ke atas pakaian yang hendak dicuci.
Tutup pintu mesin cuci.
Tekan tombol ON/OFF (hidup/mati)
Pilih program yang sesuai untuk pakaian yang akan dicuci. Misalnya gunakan program untuk pakaian yang terbuat dari bahan sintetis sehingga pakaian tersebut tidak berkerut.
Untuk kebanyakan program suhu air akan dipilih secara otomatis. Misalnya pakaian sintetis biasanya dicuci pada suhu 40 derajat. Pakaian yang terbuat dari wol dicuci pada suhu 30 derajat sementara katun biasanya dicuci pada suhu 60 derajat.
Tetapi Anda juga dapat memilih suhu sendiri. Suhu terpanas biasanya sampai 90 derajat Celsius.
Lalu tekan tombol Start dan tunggu sampai proses pencucian selesai.
Setelah selesai mesin cuci akan berbunyi.
Buka tutup mesin cuci dan ambil pakaian lalu jemur atau masukkan ke dalam mesin pengering.
Selamat mencoba!
Click on the field with the plus sign to see a translation of the text. Don’t look at the translation before you have completed the comprehension exercises.
Tata Bahasa
Omitted Copula
The principal Indonesian copula is adalah (a copula is a word that links the subject of a sentence to a subject complement, such as the word is in the sentence “The sky is blue”). However, the copula adalah usually occurs optionally between the subject and predicate in non-verbal clauses. They are not obligatory and are least likely to occur in short constructions such as “Father is a teacher.”:
Ayah saya guru.
In longer phrases the copula is more likely to occur, but still is not obligatory:
Ayah saya guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama 6 di Tasikmalaya..
orAyah saya adalah guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama 6 di Tasikmalaya.
In the sentence:
Dulu mencuci pakaian pekerjaan yang sangat melelahkan.
the copula adalah has been omitted.
Melelahkan is based on the root word lelah (tired). It is a causative verb of the type as described in Sneddon 1.194. These verbs are derived from adjectives that describe emotions and attitudes. They show that the subject is causing the object to feel the emotion or attitude conveyed by the base word. These verbs can act as regular transitive verbs when the action affects a specific object:
Buku seperti itu membosankan saya.
Books like these bore me.
Pertunjukan itu sangat mengecewakan para penonton.
The show disappointed the audience.
Potret Perang Dunia II yang mengejutkan dunia.
A portrait of the Second World War that shocked the world.
However, when the object is understood as applying to everyone in general, it is typically omitted:
Buku seperti ini membosankan.
Books like these are boring
Pertunjukan itu sangat mengecewakan.
The show was very disappointing.
Potret Perang Dunia II yang mengejutkan.
A shocking portrait of the Second World War.
Likewise, melelahkan can also function as a normal causative verb in the meaning “to cause someone or something to become lelah“:
Perjalanan panjang melelahkan dia.
The long trip tired him.
When there is no object these verbs function like adjectives and are usually translated by adjectives:
Perjalanan panjang tadi pagi sangat melelahkan.
Perjalanan melelahkan itu berlangsung selama tiga jam!
NOTE: Remember that lelah, just as capai (also spelled cape or capek), only means ‘tired’ in the meaning of ‘fatiqued, exhausted’. Beeing sleepy or drowsy is mengantuk, colloquially rendered as ngantuk.
Lelah also never means ‘tired’ in its meaning of ‘boring or uninteresting because overfamiliar’. This would be bosan ‘tired of; fed up with; bored with’ or membosankan ‘boring, tiring’.
The Imperative
When you make imperative sentences such as an order or a request, use the main verb without adding any prefixes and end them with exclamation mark! For example:
Panggil mereka!
Buka tutup botol itu!
All suffixes are preserved. For example:Perhatikan gambar-gambar ini!
Kalimat Larangan
You can also use jangan! (Don’t!). For example: Jangan makan di restoran itu! Jangan ambil itu!
Cf. Sneddon 4.35 p. 334.
The Superlative
If you want to say ‘the highest’ then you can say either…
yang paling tinggi
or (more formally)
yang tertinggi
Sehingga ‘until, (to the extent) that, so that’ introduces a clause of extent indicating that the action of the main clause continues until or so that the action of the subordinate clause results. For further information, consult Sneddon 4.75.
Supaya and the slightly more formal agar ‘so, so that, in order to’ introduce clauses of purpose indicating the purpose of the action of the main clause. See Sneddon 4.74.
Note: This test is entirely based on the reading text. It is difficult because you have to look very carefully at every blank. Sometimes there is no space before the blank. This means that the blank is part of the word before the blank, probably a suffix. Conversely, if there is no space after the blank, then the blank is part of the word to the right, probably a prefix. But do not take it for granted that these are prefixes or suffixes. The blanks can also be a part of the preceding or following word.
Pekerjaan Rumah (PR): Berbicara
Record yourself using the following audio recorder. Without looking at the text, explain in a few sentences how do operate a washing machine. This time, do not use the imperative. Instead use the first person pronoun saya. You can also use the coordinating conjunctions lalu and kemudian ‘then, afterwards’, for instance:
Lalu saya menutup pintunya!