Soto mi is one of the many variants of soto – a soup-like dish that is found in many parts of Indonesia, particularly on Sumatra, Jawa, and Sulawesi. Soto is always meat-based, the most popular are chicken, beef, and tripe soto, and is usually served with a spicy sambal and kerupuk crackers. Soto mi is different as, unlike the other soto dishes, it is not served with rice but with fresh egg noodles.
The noodles (mi kuning) can be hard to find, but you can use, preferably fresh, Yaki Soba noodles. The spices, kerupuk and bawang goreng ‘fried shallots’ (often labelled as ‘fried onions’) can be easily obtained in most Asian groceries.
A sambal is a chilli-based dish, which can either be the main dish, a side-dish, or just a condiment. Sambal can be based on potatoes, eggplant, tofu, dried anchovies and peanuts, tempeh, eggs, beef, chicken, liver, or shrimps. As a condiment it usually consists of ground chillies, red shallots as the main ingredients and can take a number of optional ingredients including tomatoes, tamarind juice, shrimp paste, lime juice, sweet soy sauce, and several other ingredients.
Sambal dishes are usually made of cabai merah, or cabai keriting – medium hot red chillies with a Scoville rating of about 40,000 (Jalapeno has a rating of 4,000 and Habanero of 250,000), but some sambal dishes are made from spicier or milder varieties, and also from green chillies.
Resep Soto Mi
500 g daging sapi
2 l air
3 bungkus (500 g) mi kuning
1/2 kol
bawang goreng
kerupuk udang
3 telur rebus
5 batang daun bawang
2 buah wortel diiris kira-kira 0,5 cm
2 batang seledri diiris setebal 1 cm
1 batang serai, dimemarkan
3 helai daun jeruk
1 helai daun salam
3 siung bawang merah, dihaluskan
3 siung bawang putih, dihaluskan
1/2 st bubuk kunyit
1 st merica putih, dihaluskan
3 butir kemiri, dihaluskan
garam secukupnya
10 butir cabai merah, dihaluskan
1/4 st garam
1 st air jeruk nipis
Daging dipotong kira-kira 2×3 cm lalu direbus dengan 2 liter air di api sedang selama satu jam. Masukkan bumbu halus, serai, daun jeruk, daun salam, dan seledri. Direbus selama 15 menit lalu masukkan wortel dan masak lagi selama 15 menit. Masukkan separuh daun bawang. Sajikan dengan sisa daun bawang, bawang goreng, kerupuk, dan mi (sebelum disajikan, mi diseduh dengan air panas).
Tata Bahasa 1
The Indonesian language uses a lot of classifiers. The most commonly used are orang (for people), ekor (for animals), biji (for small objects), and buah (for large objects), but there are many more and specialised classifiers such as batang (for stick-like objects like cigarettes, pencils), butir (small round objects like eggs, pepper corns), helai or lembar (soft flat objects), keping (hard flat objects like wooden boards), potong (for all kind of cuttings), iris (slices), and many more. Se- is used for the number one: seekor kuda one horse, dua ekor kuda two horses.
Tata Bahasa 2
Fill in the blanks with just the bare root word, no prefixes or suffixes attached.
Tata Bahasa 3
If you are not sure what active and passive voice are, read the rather lengthy Wikipedia article, or the more practical British Council article.
Arti Kata 1
Jodohkan kata-kata di bawah ini dengan terjemahannya.
Arti Kata 2
Jodohkan kata-kata di bawah ini dengan terjemahannya.
Latihan Pasif
Before you do the following exercises, familiarize yourself with active and passive voice. The best starting point is to get an understanding of active and passive voice in your own language. So, lean back and watch the following video:
You may also wish do read this basic introduction to passive voice:: Passive at Grammarly.
Excellent, now let’s turn to passive voice in Indonesian. Passive voice is far more commonly used in Indonesian than in English. It is also a little complicated as we have two kinds of passive, namely Passive Type 1 (the di- passive) and Passive Type 2. The differences are explained in this passive handout.
Once you have watched the video and read the two papers, do the following exercises:
Recipient/Patient in Initial Position Requires the Passive
Do the following:
1. Identify agent
2. Identify patient/recipient
If the recipient/patient is in initial position the passive is required. That’s the easy part, because after that you also have to decide whether to use Passive Type 1 or 2.
Kamar ini (I already rent).
Buku ini (he reads).
(We drank) es kelapa di toko itu kemarin.
Apa cerita itu sudah (he read).
Buku ini (you must read).
Di mana (he bought) kelambu itu?
Kelambu itu di mana (he bought)?
Pekerjaan Rumah (PR)
Watch the following video. Then write concise instructions on how the dish is prepared. Include all steps. Make ample use of passive voice and use the imperative as well.
Permainan Memori
If you can make it in less than 90 seconds and with the less than 40 moves, you’re good!