Membeli Rumah
To practise how to use your Indonesian persuasively to sell real estate.
Vocabulary Review
Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons.
boleh tawar?, daerah, dibangun, dikurangi, gudang, istimewa, juta, keren, kurang, lokasi, luas, mengerti, nanti dulu, memperoleh, permisi, perusahaan, sebentar, beranda
Use the following flashcards to review the Kosa Kata Lalu vocabulary items.
Kosa Kata Lalu Pelajaran 99
boleh tawar?
[a]can you make it cheaper?
[a]a region
[a]to be built
[a]to be reduced
[a]a warehouse
[a]a site, a location
[a]to understand something
[q]nanti dulu
[a]hang on a sec
[q] [a]to get
[a]excuse me
[a]a company
[a]a short while, wait a minute
[/qdeck]Making a Sales Pitch (And Reacting To It)
Now let’s further practise what a real estate salesperson might say to convince a prospective buyer to make a purchase. There are three components in the sales pitch: 1. the character of the house, 2. its location, and 3. its price.
Don’t forget that the salesperson will try to present the house in the most attractive possible terms, so don’t be afraid to exaggerate, even be outrageously extravagant in your praise of the house as you practise the sentences a sales person might say. The more convincingly you “play act” the better you will master the Indonesian words, patterns and pronunciation.
Also, because you are a salesperson, you need to show “sincere respect” towards your potential customer by addressing him/her not as Anda but as Bapak or Ibu.
1. The character of the house
2. The location of the house
3. The price of the house
Role Play: Negotiating the Purchase of a House
Back in Modules 1 and 2 you practised describing where buildings and dwellings are located, and you practised this again in Module 6. In Module 2, beginning Lesson 24, you practised talking about houses, furniture, household appliances and gardens. In Module 4, beginning in Lesson 54, you also practised exchanging opinions and debating, and these skills were further developed at several points in Modules 5 and 6. It will help you make a success of this role play if you thoroughly review all these lessons.
In pairs or small groups, role play a discussion between a real estate salesperson and one or more prospective customers. Initially, the focus of your discussion will be the two houses described on previous pages, the “Joglo” and the “Mutiara”.
The “Joglo” is in the city of Bogor, about 60 km south of Jakarta. The “Mutiara” is in the Depok area near the campus of the University of Indonesia (UI) about halfway between Jakarta and Bogor. This map shows where the two places are.
- Jalan kereta api dari Jakarta ke selatan.
- Rumah “Mutiara” lokasinya di perumahan Sawangan Permai Estate tidak jauh dari Depok.
- Rumah “Joglo” di pusat kota Bogor, kira-kira 60 kilometer di sebelah selatan Jakarta pusat.
The customers are responding to this advertisement.
The real estate agent will make an enthusiastic sales pitch using the models given in this lesson as well as any relevant language resources studied earlier in the course.
As the real estate salesperson makes his/her sales pitch the prospective customers will interrupt using these phrases.
- Maaf, boleh saya bertanya?
- Permisi, boleh saya tanya dulu?
- Nanti dulu Pak/Bu.
- Sebentar, Pak/Bu, …
- Maaf, Pak, saya tidak mengerti.
- Maaf, Bu, saya kurang mengerti.
The role play can be varied. For example, you can have a debate between two real estate agents, one seeking to sell the “Mutiara” and the other the “Joglo”.
You can also bring the debate closer to home by making use of real estate information in your own vicinity.
Percakapan: Mencari Rumah
Listen to the dialogue between Mrs. Kusuma and two real estate agents and answer the following questions without looking at the transcription:
- Mrs. Kusuma is looking for a house in what kind of environment?
- What fact may lead Mrs. Kusuma not to purchase the Rumah Mutiara?
- What could become a deal breaker for the Rumah Joglo?
- What transport options are available for the two houses?
Now click on transkripsi to check our answers:
Exercise 99-01
To complete this IndoLingo exercise, record your voice, then download it and name the file Exercise 99-01. Send it to your IndoLingo Instructor. If you are not subscribed to IndoLingo, you may do this exercise as a written homework assignment.
IndoLingo & PR
IndoLingo allows you to record and download your voice. IndoLingo assignments contain various listening and speaking activities. You complete the IndoLingo assignment, record and submit it to your instructor or a native speaker.
The development of speaking skills is an area that is insufficiently or not at all covered by most online courses. We are changing that!
«The Indonesian Way« uses IndoLingo as a tool to provide students with the opportunity to communicate with a native speaker through the IndoLingo assignments, to actively use and develop their speaking skills, and to achieve a near-native pronunciation of the Indonesian language.
Suppose you are selling your own house. A potential pembeli (buyer) is asking about the property. Answer his/her questions. You can use the similar pattern in the previous dialogue.?
Pembeli: Selamat pagi. Saya ingin mengetahui mengenai rumah Anda. Di mana letaknya?
Anda: …
Pembeli: Ada berapa kamar tidur dan kamar mandi?
Anda: …
Pembeli: Sebentar, apakah ada gudang di Rumah Joglo?
Anda: …
Pembeli: Hm, baiklah. Bagaimana lalu lintas di sana?
Anda: …
Pembeli: Baiklah, terima kasih. Saya pikir-pikir dulu, nanti saya kemari lagi. Permisi, Pak.
Anda: …
New Vocabulary for this Lesson
- Please note that all vocabulary items printed in bold may appear in an exam!
- The book icon denotes words predominantly used in the written or formal register.
- A smiling face 🙂 denotes words that are predominantly used in the informal register.
butuhkan (membutuhkan) | to need something |
pinjaman | a loan (of money) a lend of something |
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