Pay in your currency and save! You can save money by paying us through online banking using your EURO, IDR, or NZD account.
IDR (Indonesian Rupiah)
Just pay the price as stated in USD and multiply by 14,000. So, instead of USD 195 you pay IDR 2,730,000, instead of USD 90 you pay IDR 1,260,000 etc.
Transfer the money to our Danamon account with Subject: Indo-Online + your email address. Email [email protected] for the account number.
Then send an email to [email protected] with subject: “IDR Payment”. In the email, write your name and email address.
Usually, it takes only a few hours before you receive an email from WordPress with your username and password.
Just pay the price as stated in USD and deduct 15%. So, instead of USD195 for the Platinum Membership you pay 165.75 Euro, instead of USD 90 you pay EUR 76.50 etc..
Transfer the money to our account with Subject: Indo-Online + your email address. Email [email protected] for the account number.
Then send an email to bahasa[at] with subject: “Euro Payment”. In the email, write your name and email address.
Usually it takes only a few hours before you receive an email from WordPress with your username and password.
Just pay the price as stated in USD and add 40%. So, instead of USD 195 you pay NZD 273, instead of USD 90 you pay NZD 126 etc.
Transfer the money to our ASB account with Subject: Indo-Online + your email address. Email [email protected] for the account number.
Then send an email to [email protected] with subject: “NZD Payment”. In the email, write your name and email address.
Usually, it takes only a few hours before you receive an email from WordPress with your username and password.