Level: B1-B2 (Intermediate)
Lessons: 34
Hours: 68–100
Format: Online, PDF
Flashcards: Yes (built in)
Author: Dr. U. Kozok © 2009–2022
Price: US$ 60.00
Sample Lessons: Bengkulu • Biak • Musik Klasik • Pulau Miangas • Bahasa Indonesia
«Baca, Yuk!» is a media-rich interactive eLearning course aimed at speakers with at least upper elementary, but preferably intermediate proficiency in the Indonesian language (upper A2 or B1 on the CEF proficiency scale). We recommend «Baca Yuk!» especially for learners who have completed «The Indonesian Way». «Baca Yuk!» can be used together with «AnekaBaca».
The lessons are mostly based on written texts, usually authentic texts from the Indonesian media, while one lesson is based on recordings of a dialogue.
In the «Baca, Yuk!» lessons you will read about, and listen to authentic texts related to contemporary and traditional Indonesian society and culture, economics, law, education, agriculture, health, politics, tourism, food, religion, language, cultural and social issues, etc.
After having completed the «Baca Yuk!» lessons, you will know…
- how to give (polite) orders using the imperative.
- why and how verbs and adjectives are reduplicated.
- the difference between Passive Type 1 and Passive Type 2
- how to form causative meN-…-kan verbs.
- what prenasalisation is and how it applies to meN- verbs.
- how to use the suffix -an.
- how to use the prefix peN- and the circumfix peN-…-an.
- the reflexive pronoun diri.
- the difference between satu,suatu and sesuatu.
- heaps of useful phrases.
- some of the difference between the formal and the informal register.
- and your vocabulary, particularly in the formal register, will have increased substantially.
- how to appropriately use active and passive verbs.
- what prenasalisation is and how it applies to meN- verbs.
- and much more…
This sounds like an awful lot of grammar, but don’t be afraid, it sounds more difficult than it is, and you will quickly see that the exercises are fun!