Pro & Kontra Bedah Plastik
- To expand and consolidate vocabulary by engaging in a debate on a controversial topic.
Vocabulary Review
Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons.
aman, asal, bahagia, barang, berusaha, bisnis, dipasang, hadiah, hukum, kosmetik, membutuhkan, mengatur, pemakaian, penampilan, percaya, percaya diri, puas, sabun, sendiri, sesuai, terjadi, tubuh, wajah
Use the following flashcards to review the Kosa Kata Lalu vocabulary items.
Kosa Kata Lalu Pelajaran 113
[a]origin, to be originated from
[a]good, ware, commodity
[q] [a]to make an effort, to engage in business
[a]business, commerce
[a]to be put
[a]present, gift
[a]to need (something or someone)
[a]to arrange
[a]the use
[q] [a]appearance
[a]to believe, to trust
[q]percaya diri
[q] [a]satisfied
[a]self, own, alone
[q]badan kita sendiri
[a]our own body
[q] [a]according to, suitable, appropriate
[a]to happen, occur, take place
[q] [a]face
[/qdeck]Debating the Pros and Cons of Cosmetic Surgery
One of the fastest growing areas of medical practice, in Indonesia as well as elsewhere, is that of cosmetic surgery. But cosmetic surgery is also controversial. Before trying to debate the issue in Indonesian, let’s look at some of the arguments for and against in English.
For the purposes of this debate, let us take “cosmetic surgery” to mean NOT the correction of an obvious physical handicap, but surgery to “improve” appearance, change appearance, or counteract the perceived deterioration of appearance through ageing.
Here are some of the major arguments for and against cosmetic surgery. Takes these as a beginning point and flesh them out with other ideas, with example, and with evidence from your own experience. Don’t worry if you can’t immediately express all these ideas in Indonesian. The important thing is to have a broad awareness of some of the issues as a context within which to set the debate in Indonesian.
Gambar: Bedah Plastik
Improving your appearance is natural and an age-old feature of human society. Cosmetic surgery, as the term implies, is basically no different to using cosmetics. Having a face-lift is not essentially different to using lipstick and skin lotion. Getting some skin trimmed off is not really different to getting your hair trimmed. Cosmetic surgery, like ordinary cosmetics, helps people feel good about themselves.
Cosmetic surgery, unlike “curative” surgery, is almost always a minor “nip and tuck” procedure and harmless.
Appearance is a highly personal thing. People should have the right to present themselves as they want to, free from meddling by others. The right to have cosmetic surgery is a basic individual right.
Cosmetic surgery offers everyone who wants it the chance to be beautiful. It should be encouraged, just as better dress and home improvements should be encouraged as a way to make people happier and at the same time stimulate the economy.
As people grow older their appearance deteriorates. By having cosmetic surgery old people can have the boost to their health and self-confidence that “looking young” provides.
Pop idol Michael Jackson is to be admired for the courage and artistry he displayed in shaping his appearance the way he wants it to be.
Your looks are “given by God”, or at least are naturally given, or can be seen as a unique gift from your parents. We should learn to accept ourselves and love ourselves as we are. Only weak-minded, shallow people seek cosmetic surgery. Instead of wasting time and money on cosmetic surgery it would be cheaper and healthier to encourage people to be stronger, to have more confidence in themselves, and more pride in their natural appearance.
Cosmetic surgery can actually be quite risky. The field is crowded with charlatans and shonky operators. Just look at the suffering caused by silicon breast implants.
Cosmetic surgery is quite expensive. Only rich people can really afford it. It cannot really be a basic right when only the wealthy can enjoy this so-called “right”.
There is no point in having cosmetic surgery just in order to conform to current norms of beautiful appearance because these norms will change, and change quickly. If all people become equally “beautiful”, human nature and society will see to it that the ideal of attractiveness will change so that some people (the powerful who “set trends” and profit from them) can continue to be seen as more attractive than the majority.
Old people should be encouraged to grow old gracefully and act their age. And anyway, cosmetic surgery is just a way for rich surgeons to become richer. It is especially inappropriate for surgeons to prey on the insecurities of old people to take their money off them and further enrich themselves. One’s looks should not be “for sale”, especially in the vulnerable twilight years of life.
Michael Jackson is a pathetic figure. His face is not beautiful. In fact it is mask-like and apparently in danger of falling off.
Marshalling Resources to Discuss Cosmetic Surgery in Indonesian
Using the Indonesian language resources you have studied in The Indonesian Way it is now possible for you to conduct a debate or discussion, albeit within somewhat limited parameters, about the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery.
The main resources you can call on for this are:
- The vocabulary, phrases and sentences studied so far in Module Eight.
- The short story Hidung and the news report in Latihan 113-01
- The outline of pros and cons given in English above.
- Your personal experiences, opinions and reading.
- The “model” debate given below.
Before attempting the difficult exercise of debating or discussing this topic in Indonesian, make sure you are familiar with all these resources. Make sure also that you are not just parroting these resources, but can build on them using your own creativity expressed in simple but correct Indonesian. Here are some possible points in Indonesian. Read them very carefully and try to memorise as much of them as you can.
Bedah Plastik itu Baik dan Perlu
Semua orang ingin mempunyai wajah yang cantik atau ganteng dan badan yang bagus. Keinginan ini bukan hal yang aneh atau salah. Bedah plastik membantu orang yang tidak puas dengan muka atau bentuk badannya. Bedah plastik sama dengan kosmetik biasa seperti pemakaian sabun dan lipstik. Kalau kita boleh potong rambut, mengapa kita tidak boleh memotong dan mengambil sedikit kulit? Orang ingin kelihatan lebih menarik. Bedah plastik membantu orang menjadi lebih menarik dan lebih bahagia.
Aman dan Tidak Berbahaya
Operasi plastik biasanya operasi yang kecil dan aman yang cukup dilakukan di ruang praktek dokter. Biasanya pasien cepat sembuh dan tidak perlu masuk rumah sakit.
Bedah Plastik Tidak Mahal
Sebagian besar operasi plastik itu operasi kecil sehingga tidak mahal. Apa salahnya kalau seseorang memakai uangnya supaya badannya menjadi lebih bagus?
Bisnis yang Bagus
Bisnis kecantikan sudah menjadi komoditi seperti komoditi lain sehingga tidak salah untuk memperjualbelikannya dalam pasar bebas. Tentu saja asal bisnis itu dilakukan sesuai dengan hukum. Mencari untung bukan sesuatu yang salah.
Bedah Plastik itu Tidak Baik dan Tidak Perlu
Wajah dan tubuh kita itu hadiah dari Tuhan, atau hadiah dari orang-tua kita yang tidak boleh ditolak. Semua orang itu cantik dan menarik, tidak ada yang jelek. Sebaiknya kita belajar menghargai muka dan badan kita sendiri. Jangan mau percaya kalau ada orang yang mengatakan Anda bisa lebih cantik. Sebetulnya, orang itu tidak betul-betul peduli pada Anda atau barangkali ia hanya mencari untung saja. Hanya orang yang kurang percaya diri saja yang membutuhkan bedah plastik.
Sangat Berbahaya
Bedah plastik sangat berbahaya. Operasi sering tidak berhasil sehingga harus diulang. Komplikasi juga sering terjadi. Misalnya implan silikon yang dipasang pada operasi bedah plastik buah dada sering pecah.
Bedah Plastik Mahal Sekali
Operasi plastik biasanya cukup mahal, apalagi kalau operasi perlu diulang. Uangnya lebih baik dipakai untuk hal-hal yang lebih berguna. Untuk apa uang diberikan kepada dokter yang sudah kaya?
Bisnis yang Buruk
Tubuh manusia seharusnya jangan menjadi barang dagangan yang dapat diperjualbelikan. Kalau ada yang mengatakan “penampilan Anda tidak sempurna”, jangan percaya. Mereka hanya mencari untung.
Exercise 113-01
According to this (slightly edited) report in the Jakarta daily Suara Pembaruan (The Voice of Renewal), practitioners of general medicine have a different kind of relationship with their patients than practitioners of cosmetic medicine have. In legal terms, a different “contract” exists between doctor and patient. Read the report (you will find unfamiliar words in the vocabulary cards for this lesson) then write in English two or three sentences paraphrasing in your own words what (according to the report) this difference is.Bedah Plastik Kosmetik: Masih Pro dan Kontra
Suara Pembaruan tanggal 19 September 2003
JAKARTA – Bedah plastik yang berdasarkan indikasi kosmetik tanpa indikasi medis masih menimbulkan pendapat pro dan kontra di kalangan medis. Soalnya, untuk bedah plastik semacam ini perlu ada opini kedokteran lain, seperti opini ahli ilmu jiwa / psikologi. Ini dilakukan supaya dokter ahli bedah plastik dalam melakukan pekerjaannya bukan sekedar tukang tetapi menjalankan profesi kedokteran secara jujur.
Hal itu dikatakan Dosen Etika Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia (FKUI) Dr Agus Purwadianto yang diwawancara Suara Pembaruan, Selasa (16/9) pagi di Jakarta. Di tempat lain, ketua Majelis Kehormatan Etika Kedokteran (MKEK) Pusat Prof Dr Sjamsu Hidayat mengatakan, bedah plastik estetika (kosmetik) tidak terikat pada etika kedokteran umum, tetapi terikat pada kontrak hasil atau kontrak dagang. Kontrak semacam ini tidak dikenal dalam etika kedokteran umum.
Dia mengatakan, secara umum setiap dokter, termasuk dokter spesialis bedah plastik dan dokter umum, terikat kontrak usaha. Kontrak usaha adalah perjanjian khusus antara pasien dengan dokter yang mengatur usaha dokter untuk mengobati penyakit pasien. Dalam perjanjian ini, pasien mengemukakan segala rahasianya pada dokter yang tidak boleh dibocorkan walaupun pasien itu, misalnya, seorang penjahat. Dokter tidak bisa berjanji kepada pasien bahwa pasien pasti sembuh, atau bahwa dokter itu akan berhasil seperti yang diinginkan pasien. Dengan kata lain, dokter hanya berusaha, tetapi yang memutuskan adalah Tuhan.
Tetapi pada bedah plastik kosmetik, sebelum ahli bedah plastik mengoperasi seseorang ada perjanjian antara pasien dan dokter untuk memperbaiki kondisi seseorang sesuai dengan keinginan pasien. Misalnya, seseorang ingin hidungnya dibuat lebih tinggi sebanyak tiga milimeter, tetapi oleh dokter ternyata dibuat lima milimeter. Dalam hal ini pasien bisa menggugat dokter untuk memperoleh uang ganti rugi. (N-4)
Forum Diskusi 113-01
What is your own opinion on cosmetic surgery? In what cases are you supportive of cosmetic surgery? What are your personal pros and cons in regard to cosmetic surgery?
You also have to comment on at least three postings of your classmates.
Exercise 113-02
To complete this IndoLingo exercise, record your voice, then download it and name the file Exercise 113-02. Send it to your instructor or a native speaker. You may also do this exercise as a written homework assignment.Task
Is there any similar phenomenon related to cosmetic surgery in your country? Which body part that commonly undergoes modification? Please elaborate a bit about such phenomenon. Tell us to what extent you agree or disagree with such phenomenon!
New Vocabulary for this Lesson
Daftar Kata
- Please note that all vocabulary items printed in bold may appear in an exam!
- The book icon denotes words predominantly used in the written or formal register.
- A smiling face 🙂 denotes words that are predominantly used in the informal register.
badan kita sendiri | our own body |
bébas | free |
bedah | surgery |
dagangan (•dagang) | good to be traded |
diperjualbelikan (•jual beli) | to be traded |
ditolak (•tolak) | refused, rejected, turned down |
diulang (•ulang) | repeated |
implan | an implant |
keinginan (•ingin) | desire, wish |
komoditi | commodity |
komplikasi | complication |
lemah | weak |
lipstik | lipstick |
manusia | human being, mankind, person |
memperjualbelikan (•jual beli) | to trade |
menghargai (•harga) | to value, respect |
pecah | to break |
peduli | to care about, pay attention to |
prakték | practice |
seharusnya (•harus) | should, ought to |
sempurna | perfect, impeccable, flawless |
seseorang (•orang) | a certain person, someone |
silikon | silicone |
Use the following flashcards to memorise the newly learned words.
[a]good to be traded
[q] [a]to be traded
[q] [a]to be refused, rejected, turned down
[a]to be repeated
[a]an implant
[a]desire, wish
[a]a lipstick
[a]a human being
[a]to trade
[a]to value, respect
[a]to break
[a]to care about, pay attention to
[a]should, ought to
[a]perfect, impeccable, flawless
[a]self, alone
[a]a certain person, someone
[/qdeck]What Now??
Congratulations! Today you have completed the last module of «The Indonesian Way». You are no longer a beginner, but an intermediate learner. Of course, there is still a long way to achieve true advanced proficiency.
Dr. Uli Kozok, the co-author of The Indonesian Way, has developed many more learning materials for intermediate and up to advanced learners. At this stage we suggest to continue learning using «Baca Yuk». You may also consider using «Baca Yuk» in combination with «Aneka Baca». Both are intermediate level courses. If you consider continue learning Indonesian up to the advanced level, we suggest that you purchase the upper level package consisting of «Baca Yuk», «Aneka Baca», «Serba Serbi Nusantara», «Anak Jalanan», dan «Ada apa dengan Cinta?
If you have a Platinum membership, all these courses are already included.
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