Warung Sinema (warungsinema.wisc.edu) is a project from the University of Wisconsin. Unfortunately, technologically it is dated in that it still uses Adobe Flash, which you will have to download before the videos play. Some lessons are suitable for intermediate learners, but the majority of lessons are more suited to upper-intermediate and advanced learners.
We have developed some additional materials, which you can download here:
Anki Deck
Anki is a spaced-repetition based application. Spaced repetition is a method where the learner is asked to remember a certain fact (such as vocabulary items) with the time intervals increasing each time the fact is presented. If the student is able to recall the information correctly the time is doubled to further help them keep the information fresh in their mind to recall in the future. With this method learners are able to place the information in their long-term memory.
Please note that you have to download Anki first.
Daftar Isi (Content)
1. Bertamu SH (Student Handout)
1. Bertamu (Teacher Notes)
1. Bertamu TR (Transcript, Word List, Translation)
2. Butuh Duit SH (Student Handout)
2. Butuh Duit TR (Transcription, Word List, Translation)
3. Minum Lahang (Latihan)
3. Minum Lahang (Teacher Notes)
4. Kisah Banguk (Transcription, Word List, Translation)
4. Kisah Banguk SH (Student Handout)
5. Sakit (Transcription, Word List, Translation)
5. Sakit (Student Handout)
6. Telepon (Transcription, Word List, Translation)
6. Telepon (Student Handout)
7. Silat (Transcription, Word List, Translation)
7. Silat (Student Handout)
7. Silat (Teacher Notes)
8. Kang Kabayan Bingung (Transcription, Word List, Translation)
8. Kang Kabayan Bingung (Student Handout)
9. Ujang Makan Singkong (Transcription, Word List, Translation)
9. Ujang Makan Singkong (Student Handout)
10. Konflik Pasang (Transcription, Word List, Translation)
10. Konflik Pasangan (Student Handout)
11. Surat Cinta (Transcription, Word List, Translation)
11. Surat Cinta (Student Handout)
12. Berpacaran (Transcription, Word List, Translation)
12. Berpacaran (Student Handout)
13-14. Ayah Pergi (Transcription, Word List, Translation)
13-14. Ayah Pergi (Student Handout)
15. Arman dan Pak Agus (Transcription, Word List, Translation)
15. Arman dan Pak Agus (Student Handout)
16. Pengantin Baru (Transcription, Word List, Translation)
16. Pengantin Baru (Student Handout)
17. Ketangkap Deh! (Transcription, Word List, Translation)
17. Ketangkap Deh! (Student Handout)
18. Peluk Gengsi (Transcription, Word List, Translation)
18. Peluk Gengsi (Student Handout)
19. Dapat Duit (Transcription, Word List, Translation)
19. Dapat Duit (Student Handout)