Berdebat Tentang Persoalan Pribadi 2
- To practise more about seeking and giving advice about a personal problem.
- To review people’s personalities and achievement
Vocabulary Review
Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons.
cemburu, dewasa, menurut pendapat saya, saya kira, sebaiknya Anda…, saya mengusulkan agar, pacar, sibuk, sehat, meminjam, dikembalikan, masalah, memberi, sangat
Use the following flashcards to review the Kosa Kata Lalu vocabulary items.
Kosa Kata Lama Pelajaran 109
[a]jealous of another man/woman
[q]menurut pendapat saya
[a]in my opinion
[q]saya kira
[a]I think
[a]it is better if
[q]saya mengusulkan agar
[a]I suggest that
[a]a boyfriend / a girlfriend
[a]to borrow
[a]to be returned
[q] [a]a problem
[a]to give
[/qdeck]The Appearance and Personality of your Partner
Before we continue to Andita’s and her boyfriend’s story, let’s review some vocabulary related to one’s appearance. Test yourself whether you remember their meanings in English— a translation is provided on mouse-over:
cantik / ganteng
berkulit putih
berambut panjangjelek
berkulit gelap
berambut pendek
Now let’s take a quick look of the adjectives for personality:
You can also use the following adjectives to describe your partner’s personality:
Rambu di Jalan Raya Bahasa
Cerewet and Cuek
Cerewet is listed in the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia as: “suka mencela (mengomel, mengata-ngatai, dsb); banyak mulut; nyinyir; bawel: pembantu rumah tangga tidak suka bekerja pd nyonya rumah yg –;”. The above example sentence “The maid does not like working for her fussy mistress” indicates that cerewet is a term predominantly, albeit not exclusively, used to describe a woman who shows one or more of the following characteristics: hard to please, fastidious, likes to complain, chatty, fussy, and finicky.
Cuek is a colloquialism derived from Jakarta Malay (bahasa Jakarta) and is synonym with the formal Indonesian acuh tak acuh, masa bodoh, and tidak peduli. All four words describe a person who does not care, is dispassionate, unconcerned, indifferent, and disinterested. As an exclamation: Ah, cuek aja (where aja is the colloquial form of saja) means something like: “couldn’t care less”. Other examples (with suffix -in, which is the same as standard Indonesian -kan) are:
Aku sakit hati selalu dicuekin mereka. It upsets me that they constantly ignore me.
Kamu kok cuek ama gue? How come you’re so indifferent about (ignore/neglect) me? (ama = sama, pada)
“Pacar saya baik sekali, tetapi…”
Listen to the sound file below about Andita’s description of her boyfriend and vice versa. Upon listening, pay attention to what adjectives she uses.
Pacar saya Hadi. Dia berusia 38 tahun, 19 tahun lebih tua daripada saya. Wajahnya cukup ganteng dan badannya tinggi besar. Dia tidak terlalu kaya. Dia bekerja di kantor pemerintah. Menurut saya, Hadi sangat bertanggung jawab dan dewasa. Dia juga jarang marah. Sudah beberapa kali dia mengajak saya menikah tapi saya masih kurang yakin. Dia terlalu sibuk dengan pekerjaannya! Dia juga tidak romantis. Saya ingin dia punya lebih banyak waktu untuk saya. Saya harus bagaimana?
Pacar saya Andita. Dia masih muda sekali tapi saya sangat cinta kepadanya. Menurut saya, Andita sangat cantik. Rambutnya panjang dan kulitnya putih bersih. Ia tidak terlalu tinggi tapi juga tidak terlalu pendek. Andita perempuan yang menyenangkan dan baik. Ia ramah sekali kepada keluarga saya. Tetapi ia masih kekanak-kanakan, sedikit malas, dan cerewet sekali. Kadang-kadang saya sakit kepala mendengarkannya. Apa yang harus saya lakukan?
“Saya mengusulkan agar…”
So far, you have learned how to give advice about a personal problem. The expressions that you have learned so far are menurut pendapat saya…, saya kira…, saya mengusulkan agar…, and sebaiknya Anda / kamu…
Below are some new expressions that you can use when giving advice:
Pacar saya terkenal jadi ia jarang bersama saya.
My girlfriend is famous, so she is seldom with me.
Cobalah untuk mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatannya.
Try to join into her activities.
Pacar saya terlalu banyak berbicara.
My girlfriend is very talkative.
Usahakan untuk memberitahunya saat ia sedang berbicara.
Try telling it to her when she is talking.
Pacar saya boros sekali.
My girlfriend spends money lavishly.
Saya mengusulkan agar Anda tidak memberinya terlalu banyak uang.
I suggest you not give her too much money.
The Particle -lah
The particle -lah is always attached to the preceding word. This particle can have a number of functions that are explained in detail in paragraph 3.51 of Sneddon’s grammar. One of the functions of -lah is to soften the imperative (described in Sneddon 4.40):
Sit Down!Duduklah!
Take a seat, please.Bersihkan kamar itu!
Clean that room!Bersihkanlah kamar itu!
Could you please clean that room!
Depending on how a sentence containing -lah attached to an imperative is pronounced, it can emphasise the imperative, and can have an urgent, rather than a softening tone.
Exercise 109-01
To complete this IndoLingo exercise, record your voice, then download it and name the file Exercise 109-01. Send it to your IndoLingo Instructor. If you are not subscribed to IndoLingo, you may do this exercise as a written homework assignment.
IndoLingo allows you to record and download your voice. IndoLingo assignments contain various listening and speaking activities. You complete the IndoLingo assignment, record and submit it to your instructor or a native speaker.
The development of speaking skills is an area that is insufficiently or not at all covered by most online courses. We are changing that!
«The Indonesian Way« uses IndoLingo as a tool to provide students with the opportunity to communicate with a native speaker through the IndoLingo assignments, to actively use and develop their speaking skills, and to achieve a near-native pronunciation of the Indonesian language.
Now, imagine you were a friend or a counselor. There are eight problems presented below and you have to give your own suggestions using the expressions you have learned so far including the new ones.
- Pacar saya terlalu gemuk dan tidak sehat.
- Teman saya suka meminjam buku tapi tidak dikembalikan.
- Saya curiga suami saya bertemu dengan wanita lain.
- Anak saya tidak pernah membuat PR (pekerjaan rumah). Apa yang harus saya lakukan?
- Kakak saya selalu pulang jam empat pagi. Saya tidak suka. Apa yang harus saya katakan kepadanya?
- Adik saya pendiam sekali. Dia tidak bercerita tentang masalahnya. Apa yang harus saya lakukan?
- Saya rasa teman saya terlalu kurus sehingga kelihatan seperti orang sakit.
- Suami saya pelit sekali. Ia tidak pernah memberi saya uang.
New Vocabulary for this Lesson
Daftar Kata
- Please note that all vocabulary items printed in bold may appear in an exam!
- The book icon denotes words predominantly used in the written or formal register.
- A smiling face 🙂 denotes words that are predominantly used in the informal register.
boros | lavish |
ceréwét | quarrelsome, fussy, hard to please, talk too much |
cobalah (•coba) | to try (imperative) |
cuék | indifferent |
curiga | suspicious |
jahat | sinful, wicked, evil, nasty |
memberitahu (•beritahu) | to tell, inform |
pelit | stingy |
pendiam (•diam) | a quiet person |
penutup (•tutup) | a lid; cover; stop; fastener |
penutup telinga (•tutup) | ear plugs |
mengusahakan (•usaha) | to try, to make an effort |
Use the following flashcards to memorise the newly learned words.
[a]to try (imperative)
[a]sinful, wicked, evil, nasty
[a]to tell someone
[a]quiet (of a person)
[a]a cover
[a]to try, to make an effort